As of May 2020, I’ve been working full-time as a software engineer in Phoenix, Arizona.

 What I’m Working On

​1. 💻 Working from home full-time as a software engineer - I recently graduated (virtually 😅) with a BS in computer science from Stonehill College in May of 2020.

2. 📹 Creating videos on YouTube - Topics focus mainly on tech and my life as a software engineer, but as a relatively small channel, I experiment with new ideas occasionally. If you'd like to come along for the ride I'd greatly appreciate you subscribing and checking my content out 🙏 I also do product videography for brands on Billo. If you’re a brand that needs a video ad created, please reach out!

3. 📚 Reading books - I've never really read books unless it was mandatory for class, but recently that has changed. I now try to spend some time reading or listening to an audiobook every day.

4. 💪 Physical health - Every week I go to the gym to lift and do cardio at least four teams per week. On top of this, I play volleyball a couple of times per month and I’m a regular at the driving range and course. This has helped me stay in shape while also being a very sustainable routine.

5. 🧠 Mental health - At the start of each day I will take a cold shower and plan out my day either on my phone or in my journal. Before bedtime, I take some time to write and reflect on how the day went. These two activities help build my discipline and keep me on track with my priorities.

6. 👪 Spending time with family - Work and YouTube take up the majority of my schedule, but I always try to spend time with family.

💡 Some of my favorite quotes that inspire me:

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.”

— Master Oogway, Kung Fu Panda


“Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.”

— Rafiki, The Lion King


“Do or do not. There is no try.“

— Master Yoda


“Long-term consistency beats short-term intensity.”

— Anonymous


"You don't determine your future, your habits do."

— Anonymous