📚 Books

Since high school and college, I’ve never been an avid reader and only read if it was required. But now that I’ve got more time on my hands post-grad, I’ve picked up reading again. I read physical copies of books, but recently I purchased a new Kindle for convenience, and also listen to books using Audible. Here is what I’m reading/listening to as of April 2021 (will update this page periodically).


The Pragmatic Programmer

by David Thomas and Andrew Hunt



by Frank Herbert


Next Up to Read

Ready Player One (Ernest Cline)

Neuromancer (William Gibson)

Snow Crash (Neal Stephenson)

My Recommended Reads

The War of Art (Steven Pressfield)

The Power of Habit (Charles Duhigg)

Steal Like an Artist (Austin Kleon)

Show Your Work (Austin Kleon)

Keep Going (Austin Kleon)